Love Overflowing

Cousins, cousins

on April 8, 2010

Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Heather and cousins Chloe, Cole and Ben came to visit at the end of March. It was only the second time my parents had seen Zachary (the first being the day he was born) and the first time for my sister. I was excited to get the cousins together. Especially the two little guys. Zachary and Cole are 6 weeks apart. Chloe and Emily are almost a year exactly. They always have lots of fun together! And that day was no exception. Unfortunately, visits are never long enough though!

Emily and Chloe had so much fun playing outside. They had fun on the swings and teeter totter. The two of them also had a blast throwing sand at each other. I think they kept Dad on his toes! It was really warm that day too. All three kids were worn out after playing outside for so long. After a short scooby doo break, Emily and Chloe followed my dad out to the front yard. The two girls were rolling up and down the hill in front out the house! Dad said they would roll several times then run up to the porch to “rest”. 30 seconds later they went back to rolling. Oh, to have that energy!

Zachary and Cole were pretty cute together too! Unfortunately, they both needed to eat and nap so they didn’t get a lot of play time together. We will have to change that in the near future! I can’t wait to see them grow up together. Just not too soon!

We missed seeing the rest of the family but will see them soon!

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