Love Overflowing

Final product

I can’t believe I didn’t have an “after” shot on my camera! iPhone to the rescue. He doesn’t look very happy in the picture. I think he was ready to get down and play.

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The cutting edge

It was a haircut kind of week. Both kids got their hair cut on different days. Emily got hers cut on Tuesday. We were debating back and forth about how short to get it and finally came up with a compromise. I think it looks super cute. It’s shorter and so much easier to handle. She doesn’t have the knots in her hair and it doesn’t look super stringy. She does look a lot older with it and that makes me a little sad.

What made me even more sad was the second hair cut. Stephen and I had differing opinions as to whether or not Zachary needed a hair cut. Yes, it was getting a little poofy in the back. “Afro-like” is how Stephen described it. But it was curly and cute. I wasn’t ready to get his hair cut. I was not ready to leave the “baby” look behind. He hadn’t been mistaken as a girl. He was fine. Stephen heartily disagreed. I finally gave in. I figured he’s the dad and I really didn’t discuss Emily’s hair cut with him.

I called Saturday to make an appointment, not thinking they would be able to get Zachary an appointment until the following week. I thought I would have some time to persuade Stephen into my way of thinking. Go figure. They had an opening in an hour. Stephen was all about it. We decided to take him to The Hairy Elephant. Knowing that the child does not sit still, we thought that would be our best bet at getting him a hair cut and not a buzz cut due to his wiggling. Best decision ever. It was the first time we had ever been there and it was wonderful. We picked an airplane that had seat belts and put Cars in the dvd player. DVD didn’t keep his interest and the seat belt kept him in the airplane but that’s about it. Emily was blowing bubbles almost the entire time, trying to keep his attention.

The stylist did an amazing job. It turned out super cute. Not what I was wanting but cute. It’s short. His curls are gone. Daddy’s happy but Mommy’s sad. Her baby is not a baby any more. He looks like a little boy. I know it had to happen eventually but I was not mentally prepared. It’s just hair. He’s still my snuggly, crazy baby.

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A life taken too soon

I have made some very wonderful friends in my adult life. I have been very blessed to know all of these women. Near or far, these women are  friends who you can always count on for a laugh or a hug. They are women who have seen me through many up’s and down’s.  Today was a day when we cried together.

Today a dear friend lost her husband to cancer. He gave a good fight for three years and his body had finally had enough. He went through grueling treatments during his battle. Unfortunately, this was the type of cancer that just would not give up. My heart aches for her. She has to say goodbye to a man she has shared her life with for 15 years. They have three children together. The youngest are Emily’s age. I keep thinking about how they have never really know a time when their dad was not sick. And how they probably won’t really remember their father. That breaks my heart.

My dear friend has the heart of gold and took each step of this treacherous journey with her husband. She stood beside him even when times were really bad. And she did it with grace. She kept going even when she wanted to stay in bed and weep for her husband. I truly admire her for her fortitude and compassion. She is someone who I strive to be more like.

I know that she and her family will be fine. They will heal, over time. They will cling to each other when time are hard. They will keep his memory alive in their heart. He is not truly gone, as he will always be with them. My prayers are that they can find a sense of peace in his passing. They have had time to “prepare” for this day but I don’t think you can ever truly prepare for a loss this great. Luckily my friend and her family are surrounded by people, near and far, who love them dearly. It hurts to see them in pain but I hope they know that they are never alone.

Today the world lost a good man. My friend lost her husband, her partner and her children lost their daddy. My heart aches for them. Rest in peace dear man. You fought a good hard fight.

“Love is stronger than death even though it can’t stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can’t separate people from love. It can’t take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.”

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Crazy little man

Zachary is a man on the go. Always moving and shaking. It’s getting increasingly difficult to get a picture of him that isn’t blurry because sitting still is so last year. I have a couple of videos that showcase his nuttiness. Enjoy!

Zachary is rocking out to Beyonce’

Zachary is deliriously tired in the second one. He decided that he should give break-dancing a try instead of sleeping.

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I was trying to think of cute gifts Emily could give her teachers for Valentine’s Day. I honestly can’t remember the website where I found the idea.
We made salt dough x’s and o’s, plus some hearts thrown in for good measure. Emily had a great time rolling out the dough and pressing out the shapes. After baking them, she spent a good hour painting them the next day.
The end result was super cute and the bonus is that it was a project that kept her busy for some time.

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Stephen had a birthday

Man, he is getting old! I can only get away with saying that because he is two years older than I am. Still probably can’t get away with it but I am just saying it anyway.

Stephen celebrated the big 3-5 on the day after Valentine’s Day. He took the day off and got to spend some quality time with me and the kids. Emily had preschool that morning and her Valentine’s Day party so he really got to spend some good time with Zachary while I helped out with her party. We celebrated with a yummy lunch and dinner out. Grandma and Aunt Kristina came over later that evening for cake and presents. I hope Stephen had a wonderful day. I am so very lucky to have spent another year with him. He is a wonderful husband, father and provider. I am very blessed to have him in my life.

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Teddy Bear Picnic Program

Emily’s preschool has an annual Teddy Bear Picnic Program. It’s a big deal and they practice for weeks. Unfortunately, it had to be pushed back a week due to the awful snow and ice we got but I think it just gave the kids some extra time to practice. It was so cute watching all of those 3 and 4 year olds sing.  They performed several songs and had cookies and punch as refreshments. I think Emily was more excited about the punch than anything.

Emily was the loudest in her class by far. I took a couple of videos and you can hear her above most kids. One of the parents of a classmate told me that they had a great video of Emily singing. What can I say? My girl is going to be a star! Watch out Broadway!

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