Love Overflowing

Biggest Loser Update…

It’s been hard but I have really been trying to watch what I eat. I decided that if I was truly wanting to do this I needed to write everything down and count all calories. So I have my little “Fatty Patty” notebook and I track EVERYTHING.  On days I go a little over my allotted calories I eat lighter the next day. It helps me to plan ahead too. Say I know I am going out the next day, I will lighten up the preceding day. Before we go out to eat, I try to find nutritional information and pick out what I am going to eat. It’s hard but it’s totally worth it.

Last week I was down another 2 pounds!!! I am pretty stoked about it! Want to hear something else that I am stoked about??? Julie sent out the percentages lost so far. I am at 3.2%. Which is….get this…..FIRST place!!!! It’s pretty close though with #2 at 3.1% but first place after 3 weeks! That’s HUGE for me!

Now I just have to keep on keeping on. Continue what I am doing and not lose sight of the goal. Continue eating right and exercising. Calories in, calories out. No cheating, no excuses!